“A visually imaginative and bold director.”
-frank pierson, oscar-winning writer, “dog day afternoon”
“ken is extremely inventive with visual storytelling
and portraying internal states of mind.”
-jim mcbride, director of “the big easy”
1983年5月31日生まれ。12歳から映画作りを始め、日本の高校を卒業後に渡米。南カリフォルニア大学(USC)映画制作学科卒業。アメリカ映画協会付属大学院(AFI)で修士号を取得。卒業制作の『ハーフケニス』では、全米監督協会(DGA)から日本人として初めて審査員特別賞を受賞した。2011年にロサンゼルスに映像制作会社、フォトシンスエンターテイメントを設立し、映画、テレビ、CMなど幅広いジャンルの映像を監督している。2013年ウエンツ瑛士「タイガーマスク」で長編デビュー、2014年福本清三主演「太秦ライムライト」がファンタジア国際映画祭で最優秀作品賞、主演男優賞をW受賞。2015年にはディーンフジオカ主演「NINJA THE MONSTER」が公開、また長編第4作「サイゴンボディガード」がベトナムで「スターウォーズ ローグワン」を超えて大ヒットを記録する。同作品は8月に日本公開決定!岩田剛典主演の短編映画「スワンソング」が2017年秋に全国公開!
Ken Ochiai made his first film at age 12. Immediately following his high school graduation, he left his hometown of Tokyo, Japan, to pursue his dream of becoming a film director in the United States. To date, Ochiai has directed 3 theatrical features, and over 30 short films, commercials, and music videos. His first feature film, “Tiger Mask” (based on a legendary Japanese comic book series), was released in the fall of 2013 in several Asian countries. His second feature film, “Uzumasa Limelight,” was released in 2014. It won the Chevel Noir (Best Picture) and for Best Actor at the Fantasia International Film Festival, the Crystal Heart Award at the Heartland Film Festival, two audience awards at the New York Asian Film Festival, and Camera Japan in Holland. He was honored with the title of New American Filmmaker at the Hawaii International Film Festival, and received the Young Alumni Award from the USC Asian Pacific AlumniAssociation in recognition of his achievements in filmmaking. His latest film, “Saigon Bodyguards” was released in Vietnam in 2016 and beat “Rogue One” in the first week and became the 4th biggest movie of the year.
株式会社 SDP 映像事業部
150-0022 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-9-6恵比寿パークプラザ1階
Tel:03-5724-3975 Fax:03-6451-0276
Manager: Allard Cantor
Phone: 310 476 4102
Agent: Gordon MacDonald
Phone: 323 655 7400